Welcome to Hell LIVE: with Daniel Foxx & Dane Buckley (14+)The Glee Club Birmingham
Calling all devilled eggs - the infernal aunties are on the road!
Join comedians Daniel Foxx & Dane Buckley as they manifest in an establishment near you for a LIVE edition of their hit podcast, ‘Welcome to Hell’. Expect hot takes, outrageous gossip, and audience sins judged in real time. Grab your besties, grab a cocktail, and settle in for a night of camp mayhem.
Advance price
- £16.00 Show Entry
- £16.00 Wheelchair Show Entry
- + £2.50 booking fee per ticket
- Doors open 7:30 PM
- Last entry 7:45 PM
More info
- Seating type Unallocated
- Food available No
- Minimum age 18+